Spin in RCTs of anxiety medication with a positive primary outcome: a comparison of concerns expressed by the US FDA and in the published literatureLian Beijers, Bertus F Jeronimus, Erick H Turner, Peter de Jonge, Annelieke M Roest
29 March 2017
Time to publication for publicly funded clinical trials in Australia: an observational studyLinn Beate Strand, Philip Clarke, Nicholas Graves, Adrian G Barnett
22 March 2017
Systematic review of the methodological quality of controlled trials evaluating Chinese herbal medicine in patients with rheumatoid arthritisXin Pan, Maria A Lopez-Olivo, Juhee Song, Gregory Pratt, Maria E Suarez-Almazor
1 March 2017
Performance curves of medical researchers during their career: analysis of scientific production from a retrospective cohortAntoine Duclos, Eléonore Herquelot, Stéphanie Polazzi, Muriel Malbezin, Olivier Claris
24 February 2017
ESPACOMP Medication Adherence Reporting Guidelines (EMERGE): a reactive-Delphi study protocolR Helmy, L L Zullig, J Dunbar-Jacob, D A Hughes, B Vrijens, I B Wilson, S De Geest
10 February 2017
Relationship between maternal hypoglycaemia and small-for-gestational-age infants according to maternal weight status: a retrospective cohort study in two hospitalsSatoshi Shinohara, Yuzo Uchida, Mitsuo Hirai, Shuji Hirata, Kohta Suzuki
2 December 2016
Cross-sectional assessment of patient attitudes towards participation in clinical trials: does making results publicly available matter?Christopher W Jones, Valerie A Braz, Stephen M McBride, Brian W Roberts, Timothy F Platts-Mills
24 November 2016
Reporting quality of abstracts of trials published in top five pain journals: a protocol for a systematic surveyKamath Sriganesh, Suparna Bharadwaj, Mei Wang, Luciana P F Abbade, Rachel Couban, Lawrence Mbuagbaw, Lehana Thabane
21 November 2016
Qualitative study of physicians' varied uses of biomedical research in the USALauren A Maggio, Laura L Moorhead, John M Willinsky
21 November 2016
STARD 2015 guidelines for reporting diagnostic accuracy studies: explanation and elaborationJérémie F Cohen, Daniël A Korevaar, Douglas G Altman, David E Bruns, Constantine A Gatsonis, Lotty Hooft, Les Irwig, Deborah Levine, Johannes B Reitsma, Henrica C W de Vet, Patrick M M Bossuyt
14 November 2016