Supporting patient and public partners in writing lay summaries of scientific evidence in healthcare: a scoping review protocolSareh Zarshenas, JoAnne Mosel, Adora Chui, Samantha Seaton, Hardeep Singh, Sandra Moroz, Tayaba Khan, Heather Colquhoun
14 December 2022
Survey of quality and clarity of methods and results reporting in 1 year of intervention studies published in high-impact medical and psychiatric journalsCaitlin Ravichandran, Suzann M Babb, Dost Ongur, Peter Q Harris, Bruce M Cohen
12 December 2022
Peer Reviewed Evaluation of Registered End-Points of Randomised Trials (the PRE-REPORT study): a stepped wedge, cluster-randomised trialChristopher W Jones, Amanda Adams, Benjamin S Misemer, Mark A Weaver, Sara Schroter, Hayat Khan, Benyamin Margolis, David L Schriger, Timothy F Platts-Mills
28 September 2022
Quality of reporting of randomised controlled trials of artificial intelligence in healthcare: a systematic reviewRida Shahzad, Bushra Ayub, M A Rehman Siddiqui
5 September 2022
Reporting of data on participant ethnicity and socioeconomic status in high-impact medical journals: a targeted literature reviewSara C Buttery, Keir E J Philip, Saeed M Alghamdi, Parris J Williams, Jennifer K Quint, Nicholas S Hopkinson
17 August 2022
Cross-sectional study of the relationship between women’s representation among editors and peer reviewers in journals of the British Medical Journal Publishing GroupAna-Catarina Pinho-Gomes, Amy Vassallo, Mark Woodward, Sanne Peters
12 May 2022
Assessing the impact of predatory journals on policy and guidance documents: a cross-sectional study protocolOlivier Brandts-Longtin, Manoj M Lalu, Euan A Adie, Marc A Albert, Elham Almoli, Faris Almoli, Gregory L Bryson, Christophe Dony, Daniel Dunleavy, Agnes Grudniewicz, Christian Lehmann, Rémy Lhoest, David Moher, Joshua Montroy, Mallory PittsSee the full list of authors
4 April 2022
Results availability and timeliness of registered COVID-19 clinical trials: interim cross-sectional results from the DIRECCT studyMaia Salholz-Hillel, Peter Grabitz, Molly Pugh-Jones, Daniel Strech, Nicholas J DeVito
22 November 2021
Characteristics of scholars who review for predatory and legitimate journals: linkage study of Cabells Scholarly Analytics and Publons dataAnna Severin, Michaela Strinzel, Matthias Egger, Marc Domingo, Tiago Barros
21 July 2021
Cross-sectional study of preprints and final journal publications from COVID-19 studies: discrepancies in results reporting and spin in interpretationLisa Bero, Rosa Lawrence, Louis Leslie, Kellia Chiu, Sally McDonald, Matthew J Page, Quinn Grundy, Lisa Parker, Stephanie Boughton, Jamie J Kirkham, Robin Featherstone
16 July 2021