Examining the quality of evidence to support the effectiveness of interventions: an analysis of systematic reviewsRobert L Kane, Mary Butler, Weiwen Ng
6 May 2016
Conflicts of interest and spin in reviews of psychological therapies: a systematic reviewKlaus Lieb, Jan von der Osten-Sacken, Jutta Stoffers-Winterling, Neele Reiss, Jürgen Barth
26 April 2016
Feasibility study to examine discrepancy rates in prespecified and reported outcomes in articles submitted to The BMJJennifer Weston, Kerry Dwan, Douglas Altman, Mike Clarke, Carrol Gamble, Sara Schroter, Paula Williamson, Jamie Kirkham
22 April 2016
Overstatements in abstract conclusions claiming effectiveness of interventions in psychiatry: a study protocol for a meta-epidemiological investigationAya M Suganuma, Kiyomi Shinohara, Hissei Imai, Nozomi Takeshima, Yu Hayasaka, Toshi A Furukawa
21 April 2016
Publication and non-publication of drug trial results: a 10-year cohort of trials in Norwegian general practiceAnja Maria Brænd, Jørund Straand, Rune Bruhn Jakobsen, Atle Klovning
11 April 2016
Professional medical writing support and the quality of randomised controlled trial reporting: a cross-sectional studyWilliam T Gattrell, Sally Hopewell, Kate Young, Paul Farrow, Richard White, Elizabeth Wager, Christopher C Winchester
21 February 2016
How often are interventions in cluster-randomised controlled trials of complex interventions in general practices effective and reasons for potential shortcomings? Protocol and results of a feasibility project for a systematic reviewAndrea Siebenhofer, Stefanie Erckenbrecht, Gudrun Pregartner, Andrea Berghold, Christiane Muth
18 February 2016
How do scientists perceive the current publication culture? A qualitative focus group interview study among Dutch biomedical researchersJ K Tijdink, K Schipper, L M Bouter, P Maclaine Pont, J de Jonge, Y M Smulders
17 February 2016
Bias in dissemination of clinical research findings: structured OPEN framework of what, who and why, based on literature review and expert consensusDirk Bassler, Katharina F Mueller, Matthias Briel, Jos Kleijnen, Ana Marusic, Elizabeth Wager, Gerd Antes, Erik von Elm, Douglas G Altman, Joerg J Meerpohl
21 January 2016
Does a research article's country of origin affect perception of its quality and relevance? A national trial of US public health researchersM Harris, J Macinko, G Jimenez, M Mahfoud, C Anderson
30 December 2015