How do residents perceive and narrate stories about communication challenges in patient encounters? A narrative studyJane Ege Møller, Matilde Nisbeth Brøgger
4 June 2019
Assessing risks to paediatric patients: conversation analysis of situation awareness in huddle meetings in EnglandJacqueline Hayes, Peter Lachman, Julian Edbrooke-Childs, Emily Stapley, Miranda Wolpert, Jessica Deighton
27 May 2019
Resisting recommended treatment for prostate cancer: a qualitative analysis of the lived experience of possible overdiagnosisKirsten McCaffery, Brooke Nickel, Kristen Pickles, Ray Moynihan, Barnett Kramer, Alexandra Barratt, Jolyn Hersch
23 May 2019
Transparency and accuracy in funding investigator-initiated clinical trials: a systematic search in clinical trials databasesCatarina Madeira, Francisco Santos, Christine Kubiak, Jacques Demotes, Emília Carreira Monteiro, Sabrina Gaber, Joana Batuca
14 May 2019
Communication skills attitude scale: a translation and validation study in asample of registered nurses in PolandMariusz Panczyk, Lucyna Iwanow, Aleksander Zarzeka, Mariusz Jaworski, Joanna Gotlib
9 May 2019
Participatory governance over research in an academic research network: the case of Diabetes Action CanadaDonald J Willison, Joslyn Trowbridge, Michelle Greiver, Karim Keshavjee, Doug Mumford, Frank Sullivan
20 April 2019
Media framing of childhood obesity: a content analysis of UK newspapers from 1996 to 2014Amy Nimegeer, Chris Patterson, Shona Hilton
4 April 2019
Modified Delphi survey for the evidence summarisation of patient decision aids: Study protocolMarie-Anne Durand, Michelle D Dannenberg, Catherine H Saunders, Anik M C Giguere, Brian S Alper, Tammy Hoffmann, Lily Perestelo-Pérez, Stephen T Campbell, Glyn Elwyn
23 March 2019
Online decision aids for primary cardiovascular disease prevention: systematic search, evaluation of quality and suitability for low health literacy patientsCarissa Bonner, Pinika Patel, Michael Anthony Fajardo, Ruixuan Zhuang, Lyndal Trevena
13 March 2019
Protocol of reporting items for public versions of guidelines: the Reporting Tool for Practice Guidelines in Health Care—public versions of guidelinesXiaoqin Wang, Qi Zhou, Yaolong Chen, Liang Yao, Qi Wang, Mengshu Wang, Kehu Yang, Susan L Norris
3 March 2019