‘There were some clues’: a qualitative study of heuristics used by parents of adolescents to make credibility judgements of online health news articles citing researchLauren A Maggio, Melinda Krakow, Laura L Moorhead
26 August 2020
Media coverage of calls to rename low-risk cancers: a content analysisBrooke Nickel, Ray Moynihan, Alexandra Barratt, Juan P Brito, Kirsten McCaffery
19 July 2020
Effect of different communication strategies about stopping cancer screening on screening intention and cancer anxiety: a randomised online trial of older adults in AustraliaJenna Smith, Rachael H Dodd, Jolyn Hersch, Erin Cvejic, Kirsten McCaffery, Jesse Jansen
11 June 2020
Study protocol of OncoTolk: an observational study on communication problems in language-mediated consultations with migrant oncology patients in Flanders (Belgium)Demi Krystallidou, Lena Vaes, Ignaas Devisch, Johan Wens, Peter Pype
7 June 2020
Role of requests and communication breakdowns in the coordination of teamwork: a video-based observational study of hybrid operating roomsJonas Ivarsson, Mikaela Åberg
26 May 2020
Acceptability and use of a patient-held communication tool for people living with dementia: a longitudinal qualitative studyGerard Leavey, Dagmar Suzanna Corry, Bethany Waterhouse-Bradley, Emma Curran, Stephen Todd, Sonja McIlfatrick, Vivien Coates, Max Watson, Aine Abbott, Bernadine McCrory, Brendan McCormack
5 May 2020
Key components of shared decision making models: a systematic reviewHanna Bomhof-Roordink, Fania R Gärtner, Anne M Stiggelbout, Arwen H Pieterse
17 December 2019
At the grassroots of home and community-based aged care: strategies for successful consumer engagementLindsey Brett, Joyce Siette, Amy Nguyen, Mikaela Jorgensen, Melissa Miao, Johanna Westbrook, Winifred Lee, Edwina Gow, Fleur Hourihan, Andrew Georgiou
21 November 2019
Support Needs Approach for Patients (SNAP) tool: a validation studyA Carole Gardener, Gail Ewing, Silvia Mendonca, Morag Farquhar
19 November 2019
Evaluation of the Choosing Wisely Australia 5 Questions resource and a shared decision-making preparation video: protocol for an online experimentDanielle Marie Muscat, Edward Hoi-fan Chang, Rachel Thompson, Erin Cvejic, Marguerite Tracy, Joshua Zadro, Jessica Kathleen Smith, Robyn Lindner, Kirsten McCaffery
14 November 2019