How well do doctors understand a scientific article in English when it is not their first language? A randomised controlled trialMartine Rostadmo, Siri Lunde Strømme, Magne Nylenna, Pal Gulbrandsen, Erlend Hem, Eva Skovlund, Are Brean, Ragnhild Orstavik
10 June 2021
How do the UK public interpret COVID-19 test results? Comparing the impact of official information about results and reliability used in the UK, USA and New Zealand: a randomised controlled trialGabriel Recchia, Claudia R Schneider, Alexandra LJ Freeman
20 May 2021
Reasonable adjustments for people with intellectual disability in acute care: a scoping review of the evidenceMairead Moloney, Therese Hennessy, Owen Doody
22 February 2021
Effect of prosocial public health messages for population behaviour change in relation to respiratory infections: a systematic review protocolAikaterini Grimani, Chris Bonell, Susan Michie, Vivi Antonopoulou, Michael P Kelly, Ivo Vlaev
13 January 2021
Establishment of a communication environment supporting low-health literacy in the Hungarian community pharmacies: the introduction of a methodological recommendation: a before–after studyAndrás Szilvay, Orsolya Somogyi, Attiláné Meskó, Kata Szűcs-Polonkai, Romána Zelkó, Balázs Hankó
8 December 2020
Feasibility of reporting results of large randomised controlled trials to participants: experience from the Fluoxetine Or Control Under Supervision (FOCUS) trialGillian Mead, Martin Dennis, , FOCUS trial Collaboration, R Anderson, D Buchanan, A Deary, J Drever, R Fraser, C Graham, K Innes, C McGill, D Perry, P Walker, C WilliamsSee the full list of authors
30 November 2020
Application of the theory of regulatory fit to promote adherence to evidence-based breast cancer screening recommendations: experimental versus longitudinal evidenceSerena Petrocchi, Ramona Ludolph, Nanon H M Labrie, Peter Schulz
12 November 2020
Determinants of citation in the literature on diesel exhaust exposure and lung cancer: a citation analysisBram Duyx, Miriam J E Urlings, Gerard M H Swaen, Lex M Bouter, Maurice P Zeegers
7 October 2020
Qualitative exploration of health professionals’ experiences of communicating positive newborn bloodspot screening results for nine conditions in EnglandJane Chudleigh, Holly Chinnery, Jim R Bonham, Ellinor Olander, Louise Moody, Alan Simpson, Stephen Morris, Fiona Ulph, Mandy Bryon, Kevin Southern
1 October 2020
Integrated communication support program for oncologists, caregivers and patients with rapidly progressing advanced cancer to promote patient-centered communication: J-SUPPORT 1904 study protocol for a randomised controlled trialMaiko Fujimori, Ayako Sato, Sayaka Jinno, Takuji Okusaka, Takuhiro Yamaguchi, Masafumi Ikeda, Makoto Ueno, Masato Ozaka, Yukiko Takayama, Tempei Miyaji, Yoshiyuki Majima, Yosuke Uchitomi
23 September 2020