Development of a tailored concussion education program for athletes: a pragmatic multimethods design and integrated knowledge translation approach from needs assessment to designAmanda M Black, Kate Turcotte, Alex Fidanova, Karen Sadler, Samantha Bruin, Phoebe Cheng, Shazya Karmali, Taryn Taylor, Drew Halliday, Shelina Babul
29 November 2023
A qualitative evaluation of the impact of a medical student school outreach project on both medical students and school pupilsMegan E L Brown, Neha Ahuja, Vanessa Sivam, Alisha Khanna, Ravi Parekh
21 November 2023
Communication between consultants providing advice and referring physicians: a scoping reviewAmira Muftah, James Stempien, Donna Goodridge, Erin Watson, Taofiq Oyedokun
21 November 2023
Experience of an NIHR Clinical Lectureship (medical/dental) and the determining factors for a clinical academic career post lectureship: a mixed-method evaluationChris James Stevenson, Helen Harris-Joseph, Lorraine Harper, Jenny Hewison, Matthew R Mulvey, Hein Heuvelman, Clare McVicker, Maria Magdalena Razalan, Emma Knowles, Brad Ebanks, Kieran Lee, James Fenton, Peter Thompson, Lisa Ann Cotterill
17 November 2023
Lost in translation: how can education about dementia be effectively integrated into medical school contexts? A realist synthesisEllen Tullo, Luisa Wakeling, Rachel Pearse, Tien Kheng Khoo, Andrew Teodorczuk
17 November 2023
Workplace-based learning about health promotion in individual patient care: a scoping reviewMyrthe J M Verhees, Rik Engbers, Anneke M Landstra, Anne E Bremer, Marjolein van de Pol, Roland F J M Laan, Willem J J Assendelft
14 November 2023
Cross-sectional evaluation of an asynchronous multiple mini-interview (MMI) in selection to health professions training programmes with 10 principles for fairness built-inAlison Callwood, Jenny Harris, Lee Gillam, Sarah Roberts, Angela Kubacki, Angelos Christidis, Paul Alexander Tiffin
31 October 2023
Exploring the relationship between simulation-based team training and sick leave among healthcare professionals: a cohort study across multiple hospital sitesAnders Schram, Hanne Irene Jensen, Maria Gamborg, Morten Lindhard, Jan Rölfing, Gunhild Kjaergaard-Andersen, Magnus Bie, Rune Dall Jensen
29 October 2023
“For us, whatever we do is wrong, until we do something really good”: a qualitative study of the lived experiences of doctors from minority ethnic backgrounds in ScotlandCharu Chopra, Amudha Poobalan, Kathrine Gibson Smith, Esther Youd, Peter Johnston
21 October 2023
How self-regulated learning influences undergraduate medical students to conduct student-centred learning: a scoping review protocolSavitri Shitarukmi, Mora Claramita, Gandes Retno Rahayu
12 October 2023