NET-RMDs study: networks of fatigue and pain in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases – protocol for an international cross-sectional studyBlanca Gavilán-Carrera, Rinie Geenen, Ciara Hughes, Lourdes Barbosa, Marianne Visser, Joseph McVeigh, Ricardo J O Ferreira, Lynn Boschloo, Fernando Estévez-López
15 November 2022
‘It’s a Dance Between Managing Both’: a qualitative study exploring perspectives of persons with knee osteoarthritis and type 2 diabetes mellitus on the impact of osteoarthritis on diabetes management and daily lifeLauren K King, Esther Waugh, Crystal MacKay, Ian Stanaitis, Jane Stretton, Alanna Weisman, Noah M Ivers, Lorraine L Lipscombe, Gillian Hawker, Janet A Parsons
4 November 2022
Fetal–neonatal and maternal pregnancy outcomes in women with rheumatoid arthritis: a population-based cohort studyYun-Chen Tsai, Hsiao-Chun Chang, Meng-Jiun Chiou, Shue-Fen Luo, Chang-Fu Kuo
26 October 2022
Association between a History of herpes zoster and the risk of Sjögren’s syndrome: a nationwide, population-based, case–control studyPei Ju Huang, Shih-Ping Lin, Chun-Yi Wu, Yen-Tze Liu, Hsin-Hua Chen
14 October 2022
TOFA-PREDICT study protocol: a stratification trial to determine key immunological factors predicting tofacitinib efficacy and drug-free remission in psoriatic arthritis (PsA)Nienke J Kleinrensink, Frank T Perton, Juliëtte N Pouw, Nanette L A Vincken, Sarita A Y Hartgring, Mylène P Jansen, Saeed Arbabi, TOFA-PREDICT author group, Wouter Foppen, Pim A de Jong, Janneke Tekstra, Emmerik F A Leijten, Julia Spierings, Floris P J G Lafeber, Paco M J WelsingSee the full list of authors
10 October 2022
Effect of a mHealth exercise intervention compared with supervised exercise therapy in osteoarthritis management: protocol of the DigiOA trialLars Martinsen, Nina Østerås, Tuva Moseng, Anne Therese Tveter
23 September 2022
Effect of motion control versus neutral walking footwear on pain associated with lateral tibiofemoral joint osteoarthritis: a comparative effectiveness randomised clinical trialKade L Paterson, Kim L Bennell, Ben R Metcalf, Penny K Campbell, Fiona McManus, Karen E Lamb, Rana S Hinman
23 September 2022
ExploriNg DUrable Remission with Rituximab in ANCA-associatEd vasculitis (ENDURRANCE trial): protocol for a randomised controlled trialEbru Dirikgil, Jolijn R van Leeuwen, Laura S van Dam, Obbo W Bredewold, Argho Ray, Jacqueline T Jonker, Darius Soonawala, Hilde H F Remmelts, Bastiaan van Dam, Willem Jan Bos, Cees van Kooten, Joris Rotmans, Ton Rabelink, Y K Onno Teng
21 September 2022
Vagus nerve stimulation as a novel treatment for systemic lupus erythematous: study protocol for a randomised, parallel-group, sham-controlled investigator-initiated clinical trial, the SLE-VNS studyAmanda Hempel Zinglersen, Ida Lynghøj Drange, Katrine Aagaard Myhr, Andreas Fuchs, Mogens Pfeiffer-Jensen, Christina Brock, Søren Jacobsen
20 September 2022
Minimal disease activity and remission in patients with psoriatic arthritis with elevated body mass index: an observational cohort study in the Swiss Clinical Quality Management cohortEnriqueta Vallejo-Yagüe, Theresa Burkard, Raphael Micheroli, Andrea Michelle Burden
17 September 2022