Knowledge and use of lactational amenorrhoea as a family planning method among adolescent mothers in Uganda: a secondary analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys between 2006 and 2016Catherine Birabwa, Pamela Bakkabulindi, Solomon T Wafula, Peter Waiswa, Lenka Benova
22 February 2022
Effect of a multifaceted intervention on the utilisation of primary health for maternal and child health care in rural Nigeria: a quasi-experimental studyFriday Okonofua, Lorretta Favour Ntoimo, Sanni Yaya, Brian Igboin, Ojuolape Solanke, Chioma Ekwo, Ermel Ameswue Kpogbe Johnson, Issiaka Sombie, Wilson Imongan
8 February 2022
Evaluation of a stand-alone mobile mindfulness app in people experiencing infertility: the protocol for an exploratory randomised controlled trial (MoMiFer-RCT)Tessy Boedt, Nele Willaert, Sharon Lie Fong, Eline Dancet, Carl Spiessens, Filip Raes, Christophe Matthys, Katleen Van der Gucht
2 February 2022
Impacts of COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 on male reproductive function: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocolXinyun Li, Hua Lu, Fangyuan Li, Qi Zhang, Tong Wang, Lingxia Qiang, Qian Yang
5 January 2022
Effect of fertility health awareness strategies on fertility knowledge and childbearing in young married couples (FertStart): study protocol for an effectiveness-implementation hybrid type I multicentre three-arm parallel group open-label randomised clinical trialSze Ling Chan, Julian Thumboo, Jacky Boivin, Seyed Ehsan Saffari, Shanqing Yin, Samantha Rachel Yeo, Jerry Kok Yen Chan, Kee Chong Ng, Ka-Hee Chua, Su Ling Yu
3 January 2022
Live birth after additional tubal flushing with oil-based contrast versus no additional flushing: a randomised, multicentre, parallel-group pragmatic trial in infertile women with at least one patent tube at hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HYFOIL study)Diane De Neubourg, Lara Janssens, Iris Verhaegen, Elke Smits, Ben W Mol, Ella Roelant
29 November 2021
Study protocol: establishment of a multicentre pre-eclampsia database and biobank in Sweden: GO PROVE and UP MOST, a prospective cohort studyLilja Thorgeirsdottir, Malin Andersson, Ove Karlsson, Sven-Egron Thörn, Jonatan Oras, Verena Sengpiel, Teresia Svanvik, Helen Elden, Karolina Linden, Katja Junus, Susanne Lager, Ida Enskär, Teelkien van Veen, Johan Wikström, Isabella Björkman-BurtscherSee the full list of authors
24 November 2021
Development of an intervention to support reproductive health of garment factory workers in Cambodia: a qualitative studyChris Smith, Ly Sokhey, Camille Florence Eder Tijamo, Megan McLaren, Caroline Free, Justin Watkins, Ou Amra, Chisato Masuda, Elisa Oreglia
23 November 2021
How communication can help women who experience a maternal near-miss: a qualitative study from TanzaniaHilda Alinda Kwezi, Lilian T Mselle, Sebalda Leshabari, Claudia Hanson, Andrea Barnabas Pembe
1 November 2021
Effectiveness of modified downregulation for women with moderate and severe adenomyosis of the uterus prior to frozen thawed embryo transfer (MODA) study protocol: a pragmatic randomised-controlled trialSania Latif, Bassel H Al Wattar, Neerujah Balachandren, Tomasz Lukaszewski, Ertan Saridogan, Ephia Yasmin, Paul Serhal, Dimitrios Mavrelos
29 October 2021