Large language model-based information extraction from free-text radiology reports: a scoping review protocolDaniel Reichenpfader, Henning Müller, Kerstin Denecke
9 December 2023
Healthcare professionals’ intention to adopt mobile phone-based SMS and its predictors for adherence support and care of TB patients in a resource-limited setting: a structural equation modelling analysisAgmasie Damtew Walle, Mekonnen Kenate Hunde, Addisalem Workie Demsash
7 December 2023
Clinical impacts of an integrated electronic health record-based smoking cessation intervention during hospitalisationSomalee Banerjee, Amy Alabaster, Alyce S Adams, Renee Fogelberg, Nihar Patel, Kelly Young-Wolff
6 December 2023
Infographic summaries for clinical practice guidelines: results from user testing of the BMJ Rapid Recommendations in primary carePieter Van Bostraeten, Bert Aertgeerts, Geertruida E Bekkering, Nicolas Delvaux, Charlotte Dijckmans, Elise Ostyn, Willem Soontjens, Wout Matthysen, Anna Haers, Matisse Vanheeswyck, Alexander Vandekendelaere, Niels Van der Auwera, Noémie Schenk, Will Stahl-Timmins, Thomas AgoritsasSee the full list of authors
9 November 2023
How digital health translational research is prioritised: a qualitative stakeholder-driven approach to decision support evaluationAdeola Bamgboje-Ayodele, Steven M McPhail, David Brain, Richard Taggart, Mitchell Burger, Lenert Bruce, Caroline Holtby, Malcolm Pradhan, Mark Simpson, Tim J Shaw, Melissa T Baysari
6 November 2023
Study protocol for a case series: implementation and evaluation of an integrated mental and physical healthcare programme to screen for mental health symptoms in people with epilepsyAlice Afua Winsor, Candice Ebelthite, Jemima Onih, Timothy R Nicholson, Deb K Pal, Mark Richardson
3 October 2023
Identifying potential biases in code sequences in primary care electronic healthcare records: a retrospective cohort study of the determinants of code frequencyThomas Beaney, Jonathan Clarke, David Salman, Thomas Woodcock, Azeem Majeed, Mauricio Barahona, Paul Aylin
27 September 2023
Integrating equity, diversity and inclusion throughout the lifecycle of AI within healthcare: a scoping review protocolMilka Nyariro, Elham Emami, Pascale Caidor, Samira Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi
26 September 2023
Modelling NHS England 111 demand for primary care services: a discrete event simulationRichard Pilbery, Madeleine Smith, Jonathan Green, Daniel Chalk, Colin A O'Keeffe
6 September 2023
Cohort profile for development of machine learning models to predict healthcare-related adverse events (Demeter): clinical objectives, data requirements for modelling and overview of data set for 2016–2018Svetlana Artemova, Ursula von Schenck, Rui Fa, Daniel Stoessel, Hadiseh Nowparast Rostami, Pierre-Ephrem Madiot, Jean-Marie Januel, Daniel Pagonis, Caroline Landelle, Meghann Gallouche, Christophe Cancé, Frederic Olive, Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry, Sigurd Prieur, Jean-Luc Bosson
17 August 2023