Study protocol to investigate the environmental and genetic aetiology of atopic dermatitis: the Indonesian Prospective Study of Atopic Dermatitis in Infants (ISADI)Conny Tanjung, Peter Rzehak, Muchtaruddin Mansyur, Zakiudin Munasir, Herawati Sudoyo, Suzanna Immanuel, Roedi Irawan, Eva Reischl, Hans Demmelmair, Berthold Koletzko, Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro, Damayanti Rusli Sjarif
3 March 2017
Gene expression profiling in persons with multiple chemical sensitivity before and after a controlled n-butanol exposure sessionThomas M Dantoft, Sine Skovbjerg, Linus Andersson, Anna-Sara Claeson, Kaare Engkilde, Nina Lind, Steven Nordin, Lars I Hellgren
22 February 2017
Approaching confidentiality at a familial level in genomic medicine: a focus group study with healthcare professionalsSandi Dheensa, Angela Fenwick, Anneke Lucassen
3 February 2017
Haematological and electrophoretic characterisation of β-thalassaemia in Yunnan province of Southwestern ChinaJie Zhang, Jing He, Xiaoqin Mao, Xiaohong Zeng, Hong Chen, Jie Su, Baosheng Zhu
31 January 2017
Validation of a clinical screening instrument for tumour predisposition syndromes in patients with childhood cancer (TuPS): protocol for a prospective, observational, multicentre studyFloor A M Postema, Saskia M J Hopman, Corianne A J M de Borgie, Peter Hammond, Raoul C Hennekam, Johannes H M Merks, on behalf of the TuPS study group, Cora M Aalfs, Jakob K Anninga, Lieke PV Berger, Fonnet E Bleeker, Eveline SJM de Bont, Corianne AJM de Borgie, Charlotte J Dommering, Natasha KA van EijkelenburgSee the full list of authors
20 January 2017
Epigenetic biomarkers in progression from non-dysplastic Barrett's oesophagus to oesophageal adenocarcinoma: a systematic review protocolT Nieto, C L Tomlinson, J Dretzke, S Bayliss, M Dilworth, A D Beggs, O Tucker
7 December 2016
Is famine exposure during developmental life in rural Bangladesh associated with a metabolic and epigenetic signature in young adulthood? A historical cohort studyS Finer, M S Iqbal, R Lowe, B W Ogunkolade, S Pervin, C Mathews, M Smart, D S Alam, G A Hitman
23 November 2016
Towards the genetic basis of cerebral venous thrombosis—the BEAST Consortium: a study protocolIoana Cotlarciuc, Thomas Marjot, Muhammad S Khan, Sini Hiltunen, Elena Haapaniemi, Tiina M Metso, Jukka Putaala, Susanna M Zuurbier, Matthijs C Brouwer, Serena M Passamonti, Paolo Bucciarelli, Emanuela Pappalardo, Tasmin Patel, Paolo Costa, Marina ColombiSee the full list of authors
22 November 2016
Cohort profile: the Finnish Genetics of Pre-eclampsia Consortium (FINNPEC)Tiina Jääskeläinen, Seppo Heinonen, Eero Kajantie, Juha Kere, Katja Kivinen, Anneli Pouta, Hannele Laivuori
10 November 2016
Cohort profile: the Baependi Heart Study—a family-based, highly admixed cohort study in a rural Brazilian townKieren J Egan, Malcolm von Schantz, André B Negrão, Hadassa C Santos, Andréa R V R Horimoto, Nubia E Duarte, Guilherme C Gonçalves, Júlia M P Soler, Mariza de Andrade, Geraldo Lorenzi-Filho, Homero Vallada, Tâmara P Taporoski, Mario Pedrazzoli, Ana P Azambuja, Camila M de OliveiraSee the full list of authors
21 October 2016