Public involvement and engagement in big data research: protocol for a scoping review and a systematic review of delivery and effectiveness of strategies for involvement and engagementPiotr Teodorowski, Elisa Jones, Naheed Tahir, Saiqa Ahmed, Lucy Frith
19 August 2021
Strengthening ethics committees for health-related research in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review protocolVal Thurtle, Andy JM Leather, Haja Wurie, Edward Foday, Mohamed Samai, Divya Parmar
12 August 2021
Diverse experts’ perspectives on ethical issues of using machine learning to predict HIV/AIDS risk in sub-Saharan Africa: a modified Delphi studyAriadne A Nichol, Eran Bendavid, Farirai Mutenherwa, Chirag Patel, Mildred K Cho
28 July 2021
Ethical frameworks in clinical research processes during COVID-19: a scoping reviewLawrence Kasherman, Ainhoa Madariaga, Qin Liu, Luisa Bonilla, Michelle McMullen, Shiru (Lucy) Liu, Lisa Wang, Rouhi Fazelzad, Katherine Karakasis, Ann M Heesters, Amit M Oza
23 July 2021
Clinical trial transparency and data sharing among biopharmaceutical companies and the role of company size, location and product type: a cross-sectional descriptive analysisSydney A Axson, Michelle M Mello, Deborah Lincow, Catherine Yang, Cary P Gross, Joseph S Ross, Jennifer Miller
19 July 2021
Extent of awareness and attitudes on plagiarism among post-graduate resident doctors and junior medical faculty in India: a cross-sectional, multicentric studyJeffrey Pradeep Raj, Shreeraam Venkatachalam, Rajkumar S Amaravati, Noel Siby, Aswathy Maria Oommen, Jesin Elsa Jose, Melvin George, Balaji Ramraj, Vijay Subbaraju Penumutsa, Deepthi Rani Bodda, R Rajad, R Reshmi, Leeberk Raja Inbaraj, S Rajiv, Basavaraj BhandareSee the full list of authors
16 June 2021
Which ethical values underpin England’s National Health Service reset of paediatric and maternity services following COVID-19: a rapid reviewAnna Chiumento, Paul Baines, Caroline Redhead, Sara Fovargue, Heather Draper, Lucy Frith
8 June 2021
Identifying ethical values for guiding triage decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic: an Italian ethical committee perspective using Delphi methodologyAnita Zeneli, Giovanni Brandi, Giuseppe Di Pasquale, Danilo Orlandini, Piero De Carolis, Francesca Bravi, Francesco Pugliese, Elisabetta Poluzzi, Fausto Catena, Filippo Giovanardi, Giorgia Valpiani, Renato Mantovani, Eugenia Magnanimi, Primiano Iannone
18 May 2021
Published patterns of spin in biomedical literature: a protocol for a meta-research studyNaichuan Su, Michiel van der Linden, Geert JMG van der Heijden, Stefan Listl, Stefan Schandelmaier, Clovis M Faggion Jr
8 April 2021
'It’s not something you can take in your hands'. Swiss experts’ perspectives on health data ownership: an interview-based studyAndrea Martani, Lester Darryl Geneviève, Bernice Elger, Tenzin Wangmo
8 April 2021