Protocol for Improving Care by FAster risk-STratification through use of high sensitivity point-of-care troponin in patients presenting with possible acute coronary syndrome in the EmeRgency department (ICare-FASTER): a stepped-wedge cluster randomised quality improvement initiativeJohn W Pickering, Gerard Devlin, Richard Body, Sally Aldous, Allan S Jaffe, Fred S Apple, Nicholas Mills, Richard W Troughton, Peter Kavsak, W Frank Peacock, Louise Cullen, Sarah J Lord, Christian Müller, Laura Joyce, Chris FramptonSee the full list of authors
13 June 2024
Head Injury Evaluation and Ambulance Diagnosis (HOME) Study protocol: a feasibility study assessing the implementation of the Canadian CT Head Rule in the prehospital settingNaif Alqurashi, Steve Bell, Simon D Carley, Fiona Lecky, Richard Body
11 June 2024
Effects of peer-education training on cardiopulmonary resuscitation knowledge and skill retention of secondary school students: a feasibility studyAnastasia Spartinou, Vlasios Karageorgos, Konstantinos Sorokos, Panagiota Darivianaki, Emmanouil C Petrakis, Michalis Papapanagiotou, Othon Fraidakis, Vasileia Nyktari, Alexandra Papaioannou
10 June 2024
Early predictive value of lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase for 28-day mortality in cardiac arrest patients: study protocol for a prospective studyHuimin Fu, Shangyuan Wang, peixian Xu, Zhihui Feng, Shuming Pan, Xiaoli Ge
5 June 2024
Appropriate use of blood cultures in the emergency department through machine learning (ABC): study protocol for a randomised controlled non-inferiority trialAnuschka Y van der Zaag, Sheena C Bhagirath, Anneroos W Boerman, Michiel Schinkel, Ketan Paranjape, Kaoutar Azijli, Milan L Ridderikhof, Mei Lie, Birgit Lissenberg-Witte, Rogier Schade, Joost Wiersinga, Robert de Jonge, Prabath W B Nanayakkara
31 May 2024
Community-acquired pneumonia: use of clinical characteristics of acutely admitted patients for the development of a diagnostic model – a cross-sectional multicentre studyMariana B Cartuliares, Christian Backer Mogensen, Flemming S Rosenvinge, Thor Aage Skovsted, Morten Hjarnø Lorentzen, Anne Heltborg, Mathias Amdi Hertz, Frida Kaldan, Jens Juel Specht, Helene Skjøt-Arkil
30 May 2024
Advantages of bystander-performed conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest presumably caused by drowning in Japan: a propensity score-matching analysis using an extended nationwide databaseYoshifumi Kaneto, Hitoshi Owada, Takahisa Kamikura, Kento Nakashima, Tomoyuki Ushimoto, Hideo Inaba
20 May 2024
Research priorities for the management of major trauma: an international priority setting partnership with the James Lind AllianceChristopher Patrick Bretherton, Robert Hirst, Hamez Gacaferi, Jonathan Gower, Lauren Exell, Scott Johnston, Shan Martin, Caroline Leech, Catherine Hilton, Ceri Battle, Daniel Axelrod, Heather Vallier, Daphne Van Embden, David J Stockton, Elaine ColeSee the full list of authors
15 May 2024
Inequalities in birth before arrival at hospital in South West England: a multimethods study of neonatal hypothermia and emergency medical services call-handler adviceLaura Goodwin, Kim Kirby, Graham McClelland, Emily Beach, Adam Bedson, Jonathan Richard Benger, Toity Deave, Ria Osborne, Helen McAdam, Roisin McKeon-Carter, Nick Miller, Hazel Taylor, Sarah Voss
28 April 2024
Randomised multicentre effectiveness trial of rapid syndromic testing by panel assay in children presenting to European emergency departments with acute respiratory infections—trial protocol for the ADEQUATE Paediatric trialADEQUATE Paediatric Trial Group, Yasmine Yau, Elia Vitale, Giulio Vecchia, Federica D’Ambrosio, Wietske Bouwman, Marjolein van Esschoten, Frank Leus, David de Pooter, Leen Timbermont, Juan Pablo Rodriguez Ruiz, Benjamin Hommel, Marie Tessonneau, Malte Kohns Vasconcelos, Surbhi Malhotra-KumarSee the full list of authors
25 April 2024