Emergency medicine

Showing results 51 - 60 of 100

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Protocol for Improving Care by FAster risk-STratification through use of high sensitivity point-of-care troponin in patients presenting with possible acute coronary syndrome in the EmeRgency department (ICare-FASTER): a stepped-wedge cluster randomised quality improvement initiative
John W Pickering, Gerard Devlin, Richard Body, Sally Aldous, Allan S Jaffe, Fred S Apple, Nicholas Mills, Richard W Troughton, Peter Kavsak, W Frank Peacock, Louise Cullen, Sarah J Lord, Christian Müller, Laura Joyce, Chris FramptonSee the full list of authors

13 June 2024

Randomised multicentre effectiveness trial of rapid syndromic testing by panel assay in children presenting to European emergency departments with acute respiratory infections—trial protocol for the ADEQUATE Paediatric trial
ADEQUATE Paediatric Trial Group, Yasmine Yau, Elia Vitale, Giulio Vecchia, Federica D’Ambrosio, Wietske Bouwman, Marjolein van Esschoten, Frank Leus, David de Pooter, Leen Timbermont, Juan Pablo Rodriguez Ruiz, Benjamin Hommel, Marie Tessonneau, Malte Kohns Vasconcelos, Surbhi Malhotra-KumarSee the full list of authors

25 April 2024